Saturday 30 April 2011

Research development

these are the mood boards that have also
inspired me, by looking into the body, limbs and facial features....

1- folding of fabrics

2-hands, hidden limbs

3- piping


5- bones......

these are the two pages, i have taken from my research, and started to get inspirtion, for 3d sampling and also working on the stand....

body builders, and hidden agenda...

taking two pages from my research over easter, i have decided to take forward, surrealism with hidden agenda, and also look into body building, and have they minipulate their muscles in such a way that they become almost disfigured to an extent.....

Wednesday 27 April 2011


looking at traditional forms of fetishism... The Corset, lacing, leather and pvc...

body fetishes, body builders.... making the body abstract, to create something new...

Alexander McQueen collection, inspired by fetishism...

this page was inspired by salvador Dahli.....

surrealism artist, many years ago, around the same time as elsa schapperelli, as they combined their art work to create surreal fashion.

research collected and finished over the easter holidays, ....

i chose to look at fetishism and surrealism, which are very different subjects, but at the same time merge quite well together...

these are a few of the pages from my research.....