Tuesday 25 May 2010

25th May 2010

Going to start my presentation for the end of the year today ! quite hard actually, little bit nervous !

Friday 21 May 2010

21st May 2010 - Deadline !!

deadline day ! can't believe nearly finished my 1st year at uni... quite scary actually !

Wednesday 19 May 2010

19th May 2010

finished all my work wooo, just got to print my evaluation off tomorrow !! am getting good at finishing before deadlines now !!

19th May 2010

last day with my 3rd year today, really enoyed my time with her, learnt quite alot about the course and im quite excited for the next 2 years!

today i was helping her make swing tags, and finishing touches to her garments like sewing the linings to her zips by hand!

Monday 17 May 2010

17th May 2010

started to design my label and hanger today so it matched my skirt and theme of my work, by burning bubble wrap and net with acetate and black ribbon, and the same on my wooden clip hanger! also played around with fonts and names photocopied onto acatate to cut and thread with ribbon onto my label and hanger!

I also did the same on front of my portfolio of work, so it all matches together as a package!

Thursday 13 May 2010

13th May 2010

Started my crafts package today, researching into labels/swing tags, hangers and also packages, like boxes and parcels! its interesting with what you can do with hanger, if i had time, for example using wire or laser cutting plastic/ perspex!

finished my skirt today aswel, i stapled my zip in, as it was easier than trying to sew it staright and it also added to the effect and looks funky ! i have also decorated the frint of the skirt with melted bubble wrap and net, and lots of arcylic paint to add colour, am really pleased with it!

Wednesday 12 May 2010

12th May 2010

With my 3rd year today, had a cool day helping her design another dress and skirt for for collection, i learnt quite a few things about pattern cutting today, its different when some one else on your level shows you how to do it, i found it easier to understand!

Ami also gave me lots of fabric samples and helped me make a little booklet about her collection!

Monday 10 May 2010

10th May 2010

finished putting my skirt together today, i really enjoyed it am quite pleased with the shape and how its going to turn out just got finihing touches to do this week like the zip and decoration on the front of the skirt!

Thursday 6 May 2010

6th May 2010- My Birthday !!

Woooo, birthday !!

Started sewing my skirt together today, was harder than i thought as the fabric is now quite thick, due to how much paint i put on .... and its quite slippy under the machine, but found it okay, but my pattern, wasn't quite right so i tapered it on the mannequin so the bottom bit of my skirt fit better!!

Nearly finished my skirt !!

Wednesday 5 May 2010

5th May 2010- back after bank holiday!!

One of the 3rd years i helped last week, asked me to model her collection for her today, was amazing got my hair and make up done, the photo's looked cool... and now I'm going to be her 1st year from now on !

The collection was influenced by fetishism's and gimps, unusual but funky designs, love the use of leather !