Wednesday 31 March 2010

31st March 2010

got essay back, and got to add to it, to make it better, so im going to do that tonight so it out the way ! and can relax a little over easter !

Thursday 25 March 2010

25th March 2010

finished for easter.. had briefing for next module- interdisclinary, got to do some research into my chosen words, and make samples for when we get back after easter!

Wednesday 24 March 2010

24th March 2010

feed back on last module, did well but my shop report had to much writtern, needed to have more sketches and alot less writing, but overall she was pleased with my work, so thats cool for me !

Wednesday 17 March 2010

17th March 2010

handed in module ! felt so good to hand it all in ! was pleased with my working line up ! enjoyed this module... time to partayyy!

Tuesday 16 March 2010

16th March 2010

finished creative design practise module ! just added few final touches today ready f0r hand in tomorrow !

Thursday 11 March 2010

11th March 2010

C.A.D- so boring, i hate doing photoshop its stresful when u don't know what your doing !

Wednesday 10 March 2010

9th and 10th March 2010

finished my working line up of 6 outfits ! wooo, can't beleive i have finished way before the deadline ! not like me at all !

infact i have got 1 things left to do- C.A.D workshop to do a photoshoped trendboard!

Monday 8 March 2010

8th March 2010

went to samuel taylors today to get the rest of my fabric samples to put on my working line up ! iv got quite a wide range of fabrics, from cotton to a sheer chiffon, then a slashed jersey, which is funky!

Friday 5 March 2010

5th March 2010- photography Deadline !

handed in my elective photography, really enjoyed that module, even if it started a little slow! , can't wait to see what grade i get, felt like i put alot of effort into it !

Wednesday 3 March 2010

3rd March 2010

Went down to the printing room today to get my photo's printed professionally, they look amazing, love them ! just fnihed mounting and writern my evaluation, really enoyed my elective ! shame i can't do it next year aswel !

Tuesday 2 March 2010

2nd March 2010

Edited my photo's for photography elective today ready to get printed tomorrow!

Got 3 of my outfits together, starting to look good and all come together !

Monday 1 March 2010

1st march 2010

2nd term Tutorial with Adrian- quite personal. just need a little encouragement about this module!