Thursday 25 February 2010

25th February 2010

finished designing garments, got lots of ideas, going to start thinking about what would look good together in outfits ready for next week !

also had a group tutorial this morning went really well, had loads of work to show.. good feedback about my work, am ready to start putting outfits together, as we need 6 outfits with at least 3/4 garments!

Tuesday 23 February 2010

23rd february 2010

this week i have started to design and develop my ideas into garnments, so showed us a cool technique, by getting a research sheet and design from that, as many different skirt, or dresses, etc then put into outfits, works really well, its also a very quick process, i enjoyed doing this !

Sunday 21 February 2010

21st february 2010

started to do my shop report- looking a 7 different market sectors, , realised iv got most of the clothes from New look and Zara, so it shouldn't be to hard ! should it ? ...

got no idea what i'm doing !!

Thursday 18 February 2010

18th February 2010

started to put some research sheets together from Temple Newsam and expand from this, and research a little more like into water, the Greeks and also the Chinese, so i can start desiging my line up next week !

quite looking forward to starting designing !

18th February 2010

Last Day of Elective !
got myself a model... used my younger sister! i have taken pictures in the style of David Bailey and Nick Knight ! i will edit some of these images at a later date using photoshop !

Wednesday 17 February 2010

17th February 2010

enjoyed yesterday and today, got cameras, and shown how to use them and got free range of the studio's to practise taking photo's using different lighting and backgrounds.

Just need a model now, so i can start my project!

Monday 15 February 2010

15th February 2010

Elective week!
Didn't really enjoy today, thought it was boring as all we did was make a presentation of different photographers for inspiration!

i like David Bailey and Nick Knight! famous fashion photographers, love there work ...

Friday 12 February 2010

12th February 2010

finished fior reading week, but i have my photography elective starting monday, should be good, as i loved photography at A-level !

Thursday 11 February 2010

11th February 2010

We had our full briefing today for the next module- creative design practises, creating a working line up!

Wednesday 10 February 2010

10th February 2010

Trip to Temple Newsam to collected lots of info took some pics and did some sketches, for research into our next module, had a good day but was freezing!
i was influenced by the draping of the curtains!

Thursday 4 February 2010

4th January 2010

Got feed back, did really good, just needed a few more anoatations to explain my 5 stages. !

Tuesday 2 February 2010

2nd february 2010

deadline day! wooo, felt so good to hand it all in, was really proud of my dress, everyones, looked cool! all so different! ... just gota wait for feedback now next week!

Monday 1 February 2010

1st February 2010

Finished all my technical file, just finished my evaluation, really enjoyed this module, i like making things, shame we couldn't of made more.!