Monday 25 January 2010

26th January 2010 - made dress !

Had to make my dress in a day today, stayed till gone 6 ! finished it tho, looks great really pleased with it, went together really well, the hardest bit was the zip, as i wasn't very confident with that!

25th January 2010

hand in of essay !! wooo party time so glad thats out the way !

Sunday 24 January 2010

24th January 2010

finished essay ! deadline tomorow can't wait ..

Thursday 21 January 2010

21st January 2010

finished my patterns, and got my calico, just got to make the dress now, as my file is all up to date!

Wednesday 20 January 2010

20th January 2010

pattern drafting workshop this week !
really enjoyed yesterday and today, found it quite hard as was something new but got the hang of it quite quick! the skirt and sleeves were no problem, but the bodice back was hard as its a key hole at the back and didn't sit how i wanted it to, but its cool now, looks great.

Monday 18 January 2010

18th January 2010

Got good feedback on my essay just got to make a few changes here and there so am quite pleased! practically finished.

Sunday 17 January 2010

17th January 2010

finished first draft of essay, think its ok, but who knows! can't wait to just hand it in.

Thursday 14 January 2010

14th January 2010

essay! started writing my essay tonight better late than never, not long to the deadline!
its so hard !

14th January 2010

finished my working drawing, look very plain, very detailed quite hard to draw it perfect, i loved making the blocks today for our dresses though. i found it really hard with so many numbers, i didn't realise how hard it would be, as i have never done that before, took a few attempts to get my bodice blocks right tho, as my measurements were a little off, but Hugo helped.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

13th January 2010

workshop- zips

learnt how to put in a concealed and channel zip today, was harder than i thought, but my samples look good ! not sure which one would suit my dress probably a concealed zip! looks more professional.

am looking forward to making my block tomorrow then can get started on pattern for my dress!

Tuesday 12 January 2010

12th January 2010

Back at uni...
workshop on how to put a sleeve in i thought that was quite hard, as i can't sew straight, need a little practise with that before i sew my dress lol don't want it wonky !

Im going to do a dress with puffed sleeves it looks alot better and can cover up my dodgy sewing !

Friday 8 January 2010

8th january 2010

2010 !!!had a great holiday, now its back to reality finished samples of skirts and sleeves all on half scale, quite enjoyed it, once you now what ya doing its quite relaxing, its all mounted and in folders !!

also researched into the industrial revolution for my contextual essay.