Friday 17 December 2010

christmas !

christmas holidays from- 20th dec to 10th jan... see you in the new year for a new brief and module to start....

Monday 13 December 2010


had ppd2, started working on my cv and also making a postcard of my work, ready to send to companies for a work placement, research the role of my desired job, byer.

Friday 10 December 2010


tailoring feedback... went well, my design work was good, also my technical file was good, but final sample was missing a rolled rever, i personally also think i could of done better, but found i ran out of time and left things till last minute, so its my fault which will effect my grade.

Thursday 9 December 2010

final design

final design for tailored jacket, inspired by origami, with stuffed diamonds and padded shoulder, this is also my working flat drawing of the jacket. deadline tomorrow !!

Monday 6 December 2010

more design work

more design idea's for final tailored garment...

Friday 3 December 2010

design work

nearly deadline, 1 week to go, done 3 types of buttons and also started my design work, taken inspriation from origami and big shoulder pads images of button holes and design work for tailored jacket.

Monday 29 November 2010

£10 business

journal for £10 business, i have decided to call it happliy ever after (accessories), with the concept of fairy tales and living happily ever after with your new unquie happily ever after accessorie. images from joural so far....

Friday 26 November 2010

rever and melton collar

learnt how to roll a rever by hand, stitching in diagonal lines to naturally roll the rever when it hangs on the body... and also how to attatch melton to the undercollar of a jacket, quite difficlut, but looked great when done, very professional. images of innovative collar, made mine really big, and also melton sample and rever, really enjoyed the session this week

Wednesday 24 November 2010

heroes and heroines exhibition

went to the heroes and heroines exhibition at the Leeds museum, for research into historic costume and also to look at the tailoring pieces, did alot of sketches.... was really interesting to look at the old corsets they wore all those years ago, and also how everything was made so beautifully and by hand, most of the time, everything has alot of detail. images from sketch book, of visit to the exhibition

Monday 22 November 2010

shoulder pad

made a shoulder pad by hand, was quite easy, really enjoyed making it, we also had to design an innovative shoulder pad, so i decided to extend mine and exagerated it and also make a bigger one to put on the hip. like lady gaga in my ressearch, but not so extravant ! images of shoulder pad making one and also my own design.

Monday 15 November 2010


had to design an innovative sleeve... images of my design... also showing how to fit a head roll and set in a basic sleeve/innovative.

Friday 12 November 2010

west yorkshire playhouse

went on a trip to the west yorkshire play house, looking at tailored garments histroic and also from not that long along, possibly up to the 50's... really good morning enjoyed trying on different clothes and sketching them, so really interesting garment, leg of mutton sleeve, really complicated patterns went back to uni, to learn how to set a basic sleeve with a head roll images from sketch book and setting a sleeve

Wednesday 10 November 2010

tailoring research

research into tailoring, looking at gaga's shoulder's and collars vivenne westwood images of my research...

Monday 8 November 2010

enterprise seminar's

had first Enterprise seminar today, got to set up a £10 business and launch it selling products i have made or designed... think I'm going to make handmade accessories that are made from household junk. start of my journal- researching handmade accessories..

Friday 5 November 2010

Tailoring module starts

new brief for tailoring practises, finally get to sew and make things, wooo! i really like the sound of this module, its more practical and think i will enjoy... learning basic tailoring techniques and also to design a tailored jacket sample at the end, and also to produce a technical package. started making samples of different hems and seams, didn't know there was so many... also experimented doing different buttons holes, also handed in shop report on Vivienne Westwood.

Thursday 4 November 2010


deadline day, did my presentation, but was nervous and didnt think it went to well, but feedback was good, just was a little to casual, but rest of feedback on work went well on my work, just needed my trendbook, to flow a little bit better.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

design work and flats

finished design work and flats and put together my trend book, really pleased with my work, deadline tomorrow ! 9am ! glad its finished now, ready to start next module, want to make something.... images of finished work.

Thursday 28 October 2010

last day of elective

really enjoyed this drawing elective, more than i thought, Ive learnt alot and will take it with me when i need to use it my own discipline. images of the work i really like... everything submitted with an evaluation.

Wednesday 27 October 2010


drawing elective..... learnt great techniques from drawing from a live model, and also how to proportion the body correctly when drawing figures... we also used collaging and the use of bleach and food colouring to create new types of media. research- really liked this artist loved the work she produces, very fashion illustrative, so keeps in with my disclipine.

Monday 25 October 2010

reading week !

Reading week.... elective drawing techniques looking forward to learning how to use different media's to create textures in art, so will be good for use in future modules and also the one im doing now. images of some work on 1st day !

Thursday 21 October 2010

design work

update of work... trend book update, along side images of design work

Tuesday 19 October 2010

contextuals brief

had the contextuals brief today, lectures start after reading week, and got seminars with James after the lecture in the big theatre, got to write a 2000 word essay this year... looking forward to reading week, doing drawing elective, so should help with illustrations for my 6 outfits after reading week.

Wednesday 13 October 2010


tutorial with paul new tutor, went well, gave tips on how to use illustartor for flats of garments, and also gave some feedback on trendbook, went well over all, gotta keep up the work, am on target !

Tuesday 12 October 2010

starting trend book

starting putting together trend book, looking at research, influences, trend.. making trend boards and also creating patterns to go on fabrics, that would be printed. images of first pages of trend book.....

Monday 11 October 2010


1st ppd2 session today, have to carry on the blog and also find a work placement for end of may being of june, think id like to be a buyer for highstreet chains in london head offices.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Research hand in

research hand in today, everything handed that's research so can concentrate on rest of the brief, and easier to move on and not go back to research all the time, so great way of keeping up on the work load. Time to start next part of brief now...

Tuesday 5 October 2010

fabric shopping

went to samual taylors today and bought a range of fabrics, to design my range fabrics.....

Wednesday 29 September 2010

review of work

had a reviw on my work from the summer, and also started to source fabrics, to match the theme/topic of smeared graphic. started to research more into the topic as handing all research in next week. Jackson Pollock, i love his work the way he expresses feeling through how the puts paint to paper... his work has influenced my research, into pattern and use of colour.

Monday 27 September 2010

Enterprise lectures

new module.. enterprise lectures started, quite interesting talking about how to start your own business, not really what i want to go into tho, but was intertesting, got them till reading week pretty much.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

1st day back !

wow 1st day back at college.. had the brief to the module... applied fashion design. should be a good brief sounds good

Monday 20 September 2010

start of year 2 !

moving to house in leeds ! woooo ! first time living away from home.... should be fun, start uni in 2 days,... finished work though so all ready to start back!

Friday 27 August 2010

summer project !

Summer project, for back to uni.. Smeared graphic is what i choose out of the topics to research into, i based it on my holiday to ibza with fun, vibrant colours and researching into street fashions, i went to london so took a few snaps of girls in and around ! also went to york and birmingham to look at architecture. images of the summer work, moodboards and images of research.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

25th May 2010

Going to start my presentation for the end of the year today ! quite hard actually, little bit nervous !

Friday 21 May 2010

21st May 2010 - Deadline !!

deadline day ! can't believe nearly finished my 1st year at uni... quite scary actually !

Wednesday 19 May 2010

19th May 2010

finished all my work wooo, just got to print my evaluation off tomorrow !! am getting good at finishing before deadlines now !!

19th May 2010

last day with my 3rd year today, really enoyed my time with her, learnt quite alot about the course and im quite excited for the next 2 years!

today i was helping her make swing tags, and finishing touches to her garments like sewing the linings to her zips by hand!

Monday 17 May 2010

17th May 2010

started to design my label and hanger today so it matched my skirt and theme of my work, by burning bubble wrap and net with acetate and black ribbon, and the same on my wooden clip hanger! also played around with fonts and names photocopied onto acatate to cut and thread with ribbon onto my label and hanger!

I also did the same on front of my portfolio of work, so it all matches together as a package!

Thursday 13 May 2010

13th May 2010

Started my crafts package today, researching into labels/swing tags, hangers and also packages, like boxes and parcels! its interesting with what you can do with hanger, if i had time, for example using wire or laser cutting plastic/ perspex!

finished my skirt today aswel, i stapled my zip in, as it was easier than trying to sew it staright and it also added to the effect and looks funky ! i have also decorated the frint of the skirt with melted bubble wrap and net, and lots of arcylic paint to add colour, am really pleased with it!

Wednesday 12 May 2010

12th May 2010

With my 3rd year today, had a cool day helping her design another dress and skirt for for collection, i learnt quite a few things about pattern cutting today, its different when some one else on your level shows you how to do it, i found it easier to understand!

Ami also gave me lots of fabric samples and helped me make a little booklet about her collection!

Monday 10 May 2010

10th May 2010

finished putting my skirt together today, i really enjoyed it am quite pleased with the shape and how its going to turn out just got finihing touches to do this week like the zip and decoration on the front of the skirt!

Thursday 6 May 2010

6th May 2010- My Birthday !!

Woooo, birthday !!

Started sewing my skirt together today, was harder than i thought as the fabric is now quite thick, due to how much paint i put on .... and its quite slippy under the machine, but found it okay, but my pattern, wasn't quite right so i tapered it on the mannequin so the bottom bit of my skirt fit better!!

Nearly finished my skirt !!

Wednesday 5 May 2010

5th May 2010- back after bank holiday!!

One of the 3rd years i helped last week, asked me to model her collection for her today, was amazing got my hair and make up done, the photo's looked cool... and now I'm going to be her 1st year from now on !

The collection was influenced by fetishism's and gimps, unusual but funky designs, love the use of leather !

Thursday 29 April 2010

29th April 2010

finished most of my samples n research, but gong to look more into Jackson Pollock a famous artist ! as his work reflects splattered paint which i think would look great on my chosen fabric !

Wednesday 28 April 2010

28th April 2010

my 3rd year didn't come in today so i helped out a few different 3rd years, which was cool they were all really nice i just did some ironing and photocopying for them, nothing major they all seemed quite organised !

Monday 26 April 2010

26th April 2010

started to make fabric for my skirt, cut out my pattern and started to ink/paint my skirt, made alot of mess, but it looks good ! just got to wait for it to dry now ! I have also burnt the net of my skirt, to give texture, i liked doing this, its fun and creative and not done it before!

Sunday 25 April 2010

25th April 2010

started to make my prototype of my maxi skirt today, just to see if my design will work, was succesful, so am ready to start thinking about my final skirt!

Friday 23 April 2010

23rd April 2010

Deadline of contextuals portfolio, couldn't hand it in quick enough, i really didn't enjoy this part of the course but hey !

Wednesday 21 April 2010

21st April 2010

Met my 3rd year today, and helped her with her working line up, i re-traced it, and coloured it in, and then went a did some research for her,to accessorize her collection.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

20th April 2010

finished my tasks today for my contextual portfolio, was harder than i thought ! hated doing it, but at least its finished and ready for hand in on friday !

Monday 19 April 2010

19th April 2010 - 1st day back !

back at uni, so didn't want to get up this morning,
had our re-brief, we are going to design and make a maxi skirt, whilst experimenting with fabrics from our words!, so be fun, wasn't what i was expecting , a dress or short skirt would have been better!

Thursday 15 April 2010

15th April 2010

finished my research and made my 6 fabric samples all mounted up and ready to take in on monday ! think im going to like this module, seems fun, and can basically do wahat i want and make it mine !

Wednesday 7 April 2010

7th April 2010

started to do some research into
Fine Art
and witch craft and changing form and substance !

quite enjoyed buring fabrics and painting fabrics and making a mess !

Wednesday 31 March 2010

31st March 2010

got essay back, and got to add to it, to make it better, so im going to do that tonight so it out the way ! and can relax a little over easter !

Thursday 25 March 2010

25th March 2010

finished for easter.. had briefing for next module- interdisclinary, got to do some research into my chosen words, and make samples for when we get back after easter!

Wednesday 24 March 2010

24th March 2010

feed back on last module, did well but my shop report had to much writtern, needed to have more sketches and alot less writing, but overall she was pleased with my work, so thats cool for me !

Wednesday 17 March 2010

17th March 2010

handed in module ! felt so good to hand it all in ! was pleased with my working line up ! enjoyed this module... time to partayyy!

Tuesday 16 March 2010

16th March 2010

finished creative design practise module ! just added few final touches today ready f0r hand in tomorrow !

Thursday 11 March 2010

11th March 2010

C.A.D- so boring, i hate doing photoshop its stresful when u don't know what your doing !

Wednesday 10 March 2010

9th and 10th March 2010

finished my working line up of 6 outfits ! wooo, can't beleive i have finished way before the deadline ! not like me at all !

infact i have got 1 things left to do- C.A.D workshop to do a photoshoped trendboard!

Monday 8 March 2010

8th March 2010

went to samuel taylors today to get the rest of my fabric samples to put on my working line up ! iv got quite a wide range of fabrics, from cotton to a sheer chiffon, then a slashed jersey, which is funky!

Friday 5 March 2010

5th March 2010- photography Deadline !

handed in my elective photography, really enjoyed that module, even if it started a little slow! , can't wait to see what grade i get, felt like i put alot of effort into it !

Wednesday 3 March 2010

3rd March 2010

Went down to the printing room today to get my photo's printed professionally, they look amazing, love them ! just fnihed mounting and writern my evaluation, really enoyed my elective ! shame i can't do it next year aswel !

Tuesday 2 March 2010

2nd March 2010

Edited my photo's for photography elective today ready to get printed tomorrow!

Got 3 of my outfits together, starting to look good and all come together !

Monday 1 March 2010

1st march 2010

2nd term Tutorial with Adrian- quite personal. just need a little encouragement about this module!

Thursday 25 February 2010

25th February 2010

finished designing garments, got lots of ideas, going to start thinking about what would look good together in outfits ready for next week !

also had a group tutorial this morning went really well, had loads of work to show.. good feedback about my work, am ready to start putting outfits together, as we need 6 outfits with at least 3/4 garments!

Tuesday 23 February 2010

23rd february 2010

this week i have started to design and develop my ideas into garnments, so showed us a cool technique, by getting a research sheet and design from that, as many different skirt, or dresses, etc then put into outfits, works really well, its also a very quick process, i enjoyed doing this !

Sunday 21 February 2010

21st february 2010

started to do my shop report- looking a 7 different market sectors, , realised iv got most of the clothes from New look and Zara, so it shouldn't be to hard ! should it ? ...

got no idea what i'm doing !!

Thursday 18 February 2010

18th February 2010

started to put some research sheets together from Temple Newsam and expand from this, and research a little more like into water, the Greeks and also the Chinese, so i can start desiging my line up next week !

quite looking forward to starting designing !

18th February 2010

Last Day of Elective !
got myself a model... used my younger sister! i have taken pictures in the style of David Bailey and Nick Knight ! i will edit some of these images at a later date using photoshop !

Wednesday 17 February 2010

17th February 2010

enjoyed yesterday and today, got cameras, and shown how to use them and got free range of the studio's to practise taking photo's using different lighting and backgrounds.

Just need a model now, so i can start my project!

Monday 15 February 2010

15th February 2010

Elective week!
Didn't really enjoy today, thought it was boring as all we did was make a presentation of different photographers for inspiration!

i like David Bailey and Nick Knight! famous fashion photographers, love there work ...

Friday 12 February 2010

12th February 2010

finished fior reading week, but i have my photography elective starting monday, should be good, as i loved photography at A-level !

Thursday 11 February 2010

11th February 2010

We had our full briefing today for the next module- creative design practises, creating a working line up!

Wednesday 10 February 2010

10th February 2010

Trip to Temple Newsam to collected lots of info took some pics and did some sketches, for research into our next module, had a good day but was freezing!
i was influenced by the draping of the curtains!

Thursday 4 February 2010

4th January 2010

Got feed back, did really good, just needed a few more anoatations to explain my 5 stages. !

Tuesday 2 February 2010

2nd february 2010

deadline day! wooo, felt so good to hand it all in, was really proud of my dress, everyones, looked cool! all so different! ... just gota wait for feedback now next week!

Monday 1 February 2010

1st February 2010

Finished all my technical file, just finished my evaluation, really enjoyed this module, i like making things, shame we couldn't of made more.!

Monday 25 January 2010

26th January 2010 - made dress !

Had to make my dress in a day today, stayed till gone 6 ! finished it tho, looks great really pleased with it, went together really well, the hardest bit was the zip, as i wasn't very confident with that!

25th January 2010

hand in of essay !! wooo party time so glad thats out the way !

Sunday 24 January 2010

24th January 2010

finished essay ! deadline tomorow can't wait ..

Thursday 21 January 2010

21st January 2010

finished my patterns, and got my calico, just got to make the dress now, as my file is all up to date!

Wednesday 20 January 2010

20th January 2010

pattern drafting workshop this week !
really enjoyed yesterday and today, found it quite hard as was something new but got the hang of it quite quick! the skirt and sleeves were no problem, but the bodice back was hard as its a key hole at the back and didn't sit how i wanted it to, but its cool now, looks great.

Monday 18 January 2010

18th January 2010

Got good feedback on my essay just got to make a few changes here and there so am quite pleased! practically finished.

Sunday 17 January 2010

17th January 2010

finished first draft of essay, think its ok, but who knows! can't wait to just hand it in.

Thursday 14 January 2010

14th January 2010

essay! started writing my essay tonight better late than never, not long to the deadline!
its so hard !

14th January 2010

finished my working drawing, look very plain, very detailed quite hard to draw it perfect, i loved making the blocks today for our dresses though. i found it really hard with so many numbers, i didn't realise how hard it would be, as i have never done that before, took a few attempts to get my bodice blocks right tho, as my measurements were a little off, but Hugo helped.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

13th January 2010

workshop- zips

learnt how to put in a concealed and channel zip today, was harder than i thought, but my samples look good ! not sure which one would suit my dress probably a concealed zip! looks more professional.

am looking forward to making my block tomorrow then can get started on pattern for my dress!

Tuesday 12 January 2010

12th January 2010

Back at uni...
workshop on how to put a sleeve in i thought that was quite hard, as i can't sew straight, need a little practise with that before i sew my dress lol don't want it wonky !

Im going to do a dress with puffed sleeves it looks alot better and can cover up my dodgy sewing !

Friday 8 January 2010

8th january 2010

2010 !!!had a great holiday, now its back to reality finished samples of skirts and sleeves all on half scale, quite enjoyed it, once you now what ya doing its quite relaxing, its all mounted and in folders !!

also researched into the industrial revolution for my contextual essay.