Monday 21 December 2009

21st Dcemeber 2009

finished my dart minipulations, and designed a few dresses today, so i don't end up leaving it till the day before!

Saturday 19 December 2009

19th December 2009

set the task of doing 8 dart minipualtions, 8 different fullness and flared skirts and sleeves and also designing a dress to make including the above and a zip fastening and also a facing.

will do that through out the hols, but mainly just gona relax as im off on hols after xmas wooo!

Thursday 17 December 2009

17th Decemeber last day before holidays !!

last day before the xmas hols, can't wait... its gone so quick from september.. had a nice day at uni doing more dart minipulations, then moved onto looking at how to flare skirts and sleeves, was cool, i liked doing all the different sleeves, definatley prefer short puffed sleeves.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

16th Decemeber 2009

Creative Realism module- dart manipulation, i really enjoyed doing these, as i found them interesting and quite a challenge, but soon got the hang of them. never realised there were so many different positions a bust dart go go. made lots of samples for our files, in 5 stages so i don't forget how to do them over Christmas.!

Monday 14 December 2009

15th December 2009

Woo, Starting my new brief, sounds really good we are going to do a technical file that will help us trough out our years at uni, and we are also going to make a dress using the techniques we learn in h workshops.

14th December 2009

lecture with Joanna was interesting, but still not overly interested in the subjects ! but looking forward to the workshops this week on starting our technical files.

Friday 11 December 2009

11th December 09

Just got my result for module 2.. 64% i think that's ok, but will try harder in my next module as i want to try and get at least 70%.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

nearly finished my task I'm enjoying doing it which is always good ... quite excited to find out what we are doing next week.
these are some photo's of what i have been doing so far with my task !!

8th December 09..

We have got a task to do over this week, to go with our next module starting next week, so i am goin to start that today.. looking in magzines and taking photo's.
waiting for my result... not very patient, don't get it till next week.

3rd Decemeber 09

Tutorial on module 2 hand in... went ok, but need to improve drawings even more :( i'll get better eventually... was pleased overall.

Hand in Module 2.. Creative Approaches..

hand in date again.. finished earlier this time , so was much more prepared and enjoyed this module a lot more, i liked doing the final garment.. and overall i think my work has improved, i also felt like i used my time a lot more wisely and efficiently.

Seam samples

These are some photo's of the samples we did.. i think these will be very helpful in the future, when making garments.
This was just a free range sample, but i enjoyed doing it.

Sewing machine inductions...27th Novemeber

Had a great day today, as I've just had my sewing induction... we did lots of little sewing tasks to get us used to the machines.. they were a little fast to what I'm used to, but i got the hang of it! i really enjoyed doing the little seam samples, i learnt a few new ones.
Tutorial- showed my work.. just got little touches to finish up on then its all finished..

Tutorial- showed my work.. just got little touches to finish up on then its all finished..

these images are some of my ideas, that were inspired by the word skeletal, and then i went on to look at xrays and bones, but mainly the rib-cage.

Making final garment.. 24th November 09

I have been making my final garment today.. didn't stick to my final design, but never mind, i found it quite easy making the garment (top) out of 3 shirts a men's,women's and child's. I was inspired by the rib cage- bones..
This is a photo.. it looks good.

finished part 1 and nearly part 2

finished my 20 drawings for part 1, i think my drawing has improved but my favourite are definitely my photo shop images. I have also finished my research for part 2 and I'm half way through my designs and working on my final design ... been working on the mannequins, i found that easier than working 2D.

23rd novemeber

Nearly finished module 2 part 1... can't believe i stayed in the library Till 7pm to finish my C.A.D work .. took ages on working out how to use photo shop, slightly different to mine. least they are done now. Here are some of my images.

Start of module 2.. Creative Approaches to fashion.

This is some of my research to show i
was inspired by her, and that her work looks like architecture. I have used parts of the image to create a design for a garment.

I have started module to its going good been looking at Alexandra Verscheuern and skeletal... this is part of my research to get inspiration for my final garment..
I'm really enjoying the workshops and have got alot from it... we have been drawing from still life, and also drawing each other, which was good practise for drawing models!

These are some of the pieces of work i have done..

Workshops 3rd Novemeber..

This week we are doing workshops with Ian.. They are to improve our drawing skills for module 2, which im glad we are doing as drawing is not my strongest thing.

Reading week... 26th October

Reading week!
Got a few tasks to do for the up and coming workshops next week..

These are some images i created over the week.. the image on the left is a jacket, with the lines in thread sewn on the machine.

Results Day 19th October..

Just got my result.. got 66% wooo! proud of myself.. got feedback, i need to develop my drawing skills. It also says that i had good documentation of my 3D work and exciting use of metal discs.

Hand in module 1.. 12th October 09

Just handed in my first module.. was a little nervous, i think i could have done a little more development of my ideas, but hey to late now. i think i could have been a little more organized to and managed my time better.

my final piece!

This is my final piece inspired by Paco rabanne... What a relief its finished can relax now till the hand in date..

This is my final piece for the module.

nearly finished final piece!!!

woooo!! nearly finished final piece.. i think it looks good !

These are some photo's of my construction..

I also enjoyed making the metal discs, as i had to go down to the metal department in college, and make the discs myself, was kind of harder than i thought.

Ideas - fashion

These are some of my ideas inspired by Paco rabanne... can't wait to make my final piece!!

I have decided to promote my exhibition by making a hanging metal dress..

For my research i looked at the flappers... the swinging 60's... art deco...issey mikaye and paco rabanne. I have decided to look at paco rabanne. as his metal dresses have inspried me..

These is some of my research sheets!!

Module 1 ... Fashion Art and Culture.

This is some of my reseach that i have done for fashion art and culture.. i have found it quite easy and really enjoyed doing it ...

Twiggy is one of my inspirations from the 60's.

17th september 09

The last day of out first week Ian took us all on a trip to sheffield... to help with out research for our first module of work.. didn't really help much but we took lots of photo's and had a great day out. !
This is us !!
On my few weeks.. it was all inductions i loved it we did a lot of getting to know you task which were good as i met all my new friends, and we have such a laugh together.